Name: Chris Dowie

Nickname: Just Dowie

Club: Moyola Park

Age: 31

Height:  5ft 7in

Weight: Overweight

Occupation: Non Destructive Testing of aircraft components

Boots Worn: always Adidas unless I see a bargain

Favourite Film: I like any funny films, no favourite as such.

Favourite Song:  Sweet Caroline

Favourite Food: Anything that’s not healthy

Favourite Drink: Suppose I may pick a soft drink, Coke

Favourite Pitch: Has to be Mill Meadow

Best thing about football: Scoring goals

Worst thing about football: Losing

Pre Match Meal: Beans and Toast

Pre Game Superstition: Don’t burn myself out in the warm up

Toughest opponent: There has been a few over the years, be hard to pick one.

Best player played with: As a youngster I was lucky enough to play with Steve Davis, even then he looked the part.

Sporting Highlight: I don’t have many to be honest but people would still mention to me about scoring 93 in a single season for Carniny Rangers a few years back!

Biggest Disappointment: Not winning silverware with Moyola

Childhood idol: As a striker I loved to watch Ruud van Nistelrooy, always in the right place at the right time.

Biggest influence in your career: My fiancé still allows to me to play so have to be her

Advice for young players: Work hard and be patient, if your good enough you will get your chance!

Best trainer in the club: We have a few fit players but I’ll say my wee mate Mark Waddell, he loves running and no cutting corners.

Worst trainer in the club: Tight between Eugene Gallagher and Oran McAuley, they just mess about all the time.

What would you be doing if not playing football? : Taking my boys to play football.

Other Sports played: Played a few sports but not any good at any of them.

Player Profile courtesy of The Final Whistle